We have a new blog over at
All posts from this blog were transferred.
Hope to see you there!
public function getAverageRating() { $c = new Criteria; $c->addSelectColumn('avg(' . RatingPeer::RATING . ')'); $c->add(RatingPeer::ID, $this->getId()); $stmt = RatingPeer::doSelectStmt($c); $average = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if(array_key_exists(0, $average)) { return floatval($average[0]); } else { return 0; } }
dev: logger: param: loggers: sf_web_debug: param: xdebug_logging: true
Symfony Nosso que estais no svn,Décio @ Yammer
santificado seja o vosso php,
vem a nós o vosso MVC,
seja feita a vossa aplicação
assim na terra como na web.
A cache nossa de cada dia nos daí hoje,
perdoai-nos os nossos bugs,
assim como nós perdoamos
ao Ti Nano,
não nos deixei cair em tentação
mas livrai-nos do Ruby.
$category = 'Pastéis de Nata'; $url = Doctrine_Inflector::urlize($category); echo $url;
class YourFormFilter extends BaseYourFormFilter { public function setup() { // ... $context = sfContext::getInstance(); /* @var $context sfContext */ $request = $context->getRequest(); /* @var $request sfWebRequest */ $user = $context->getUser(); /* @var $user sfBasicSecurityUser */ if ($user->hasCredential('credential_to_check')) { $this->setWidget('your_field', new sfWidgetFormFilterInput()); $this->setValidator('your_field', new sfValidatorPass(array('required' => false))); $this->widgetSchema->moveField('your_field', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'other_field'); // this is good to re-arrange the filters order } } // ...
propel: _attributes: { package: plugins.sfGuardPlugin.lib.model } ## # extending sfGuard ## sf_guard_user: _attributes: { phpName: sfGuardUser } coisas: { type: varchar, size: 128, required: true }
php symfony propel:build --all-classes
You may also use Doctrine extensions:
Finally, there are also symfony plugins providing custom behaviors:
_componentName: enabled: false
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /blablabla/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/log/sfVarLogger.class.php on line 170
task: symfony: param: profiler: false all: symfony: class: sfDoctrineDatabase param: dsn: .... username: ... password: ...
As of version 5.2.5, PHP is not able to garbage collect object graphs that have circular references, e.g. Parent has a reference to Child which has a reference to Parent. Since many doctrine model objects have such relations, PHP will not free their memory even when the objects go out of scope.
//memory check
$memOld = $memNow;
$memNow = memory_get_usage();
$this->log('Memory usage: ' . $memNow . ' (diff=' . ($memNow - $memOld) . ')';
/* @var $dc Doctrine_Collection */ $dc = new Doctrine_Collection('City'); for ($i=1;$i<=32;$i++) { $record = new City(); $record->setName('City #' .$i); $dc->add($record); } $this->cities = $dc;
class frontendConfiguration extends sfApplicationConfiguration { public function configure() { $this->loadHelpers(array('I18N')); } }
public function isFirstRequest() { $first_request_parameter = $this->getAttribute('first_request'); if (isset($first_request_parameter)) { return false; } $this->setAttribute('first_request', true); return true; }
... if ($this->getUser()->isFirstRequest()) { // primeira visita } else { // re-visita }
protected function configure() { $this->addOptions(array( new sfCommandOption('application', null, sfCommandOption::PARAMETER_REQUIRED,'The application name', 'frontend'), // ... )); }(Neste caso defini a aplicação default como sendo frontend)
protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { // ... $contextInstance = sfContext::createInstance($this->configuration); $contextInstance->getConfiguration()->loadHelpers('Partial'); // ... }
public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request) { sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false); }
class TransactionForm extends BaseTransactionForm { public function configure() { $this->mergePostValidator( new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('source_id', sfValidatorSchemaCompare::NOT_EQUAL, 'destination_id', array(), array('invalid' => 'Source and Destination Accounts cannot be the same.'))); } }
sfProjectConfiguration::getActive()->loadHelpers("Partial", "Url", "MyHelper");